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Welcome to Lyceum Academy

Enriching Minds, Shaping Futures


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Who We Are

Founded in 2023 and registered as an LLC in July 2024, Lyceum Academy is dedicated to promoting holistic education to serve as an extension for standardized Chinese compulsory education. 

We offer high-quality after-school arts and humanities programs for primary and middle school students in Shanghai, China.

Our interactive and engaging academic sessions, salons, artistic workshops, field trips, and camps are designed to inspire inquisitive awareness, individualistic expression, and personal development. 

Why Choose Lyceum Academy

Lyceum Academy is more than just an academic program - we are a community of passionate educators and learners dedicated to providing creative arts and humanities after-school programs for elementary and middle school students in Shanghai, China. Our story is one of commitment to nurturing creativity and intellectual growth.

At Lyceum Academy, we take pride in our team of enthusiastic instructors who are devoted to empowering young minds through innovative and engaging teaching methods, standing out by offering a diverse range of programs and activities that inspire students to explore, express, and envision.

Join us to unlock the potential of every student and make a difference in their educational experience!

Enthusiastic Instructors

Individualized Learning Experience

Comprehensive Curriculum

Balanced Focus on Humanities and Arts

Creative Experiences

Cool Activities You Don't Want to Miss

A Glimpse Into Our Journey

Student Stories

"I never had so much fun and freedom in a 'class'.  The interactive nature of the courses is incredibly transformative and rewarding. I can't wait for the next summer camp !"

Mandy Xu,
11-year-old student

"The field trips organized by Lcyeum Academy were so wholesome and enriching. I got to learn more about this city and get to know many like-minded people. They spiced up my weekends. The uplifting experience has been invaluable."

Alice Sun,
14-year-old student

"I highly recommend Lyceum Academy to anyone seeking a well-rounded and enriching educational experience. The diverse range of courses and the personalized attention from the instructors have exceeded my expectations."

Mrs. Hu, 
David's Mom

Home: Testimonials

Interested parents/students? Volunteers? Collaborations? Partnerships? 

Let's keep in touch. 

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